Pacific Flake Sea Salt

Pacific Flake Sea Salt is a salt harvestry located in a tiny corner of what was once a huge Louisiana Pacific pulp mill out on the Samoa Peninsula, just across Humboldt Bay from my hometown of Eureka, California.


Did you know that both nutmeg and mace come from the same plant? Well, now you do. Now, I'll bet you're curious about where exactly they come from.


Boron, California, is home to the U.S. Borax Boron Mine, an open-pit mine that is the largest borax mine in the world. Wait, all this hubbub for a laundry aid? Well no, not quite.


If there are over 8000 species of insect known to be edible, why don't we eat more bugs?


Have you ever read a Jane Austin novel, and wondered what a "copse" is, exactly? I thought I knew -- and it turns out, I was wrong.

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