
The amaranth (Amaranthaceae) family encompasses a surprising and diverse number of useful plants that you see everyday, but probably would never guess are this closely related.


Since antiquity, silver has been considered a precious metal in many different cultures. But there are a few things about silver that you probably don't know.


The cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a tropical evergreen tree in the sumac (Anacardiaceae) family, native to northern and western South America and Brazil, but now widely cultivated in tropical areas around the world. 


Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a species of fungus in the Saccharomycetaceae family that has been instrumental in human food production for millennia.


This humble-looking grass is at the center of a long and treasured cultural tradition in Spain. It's also a champion for soil rehabilitation.


Did you know that both nutmeg and mace come from the same plant? Well, now you do. Now, I'll bet you're curious about where exactly they come from.


Boron, California, is home to the U.S. Borax Boron Mine, an open-pit mine that is the largest borax mine in the world. Wait, all this hubbub for a laundry aid? Well no, not quite.


The plant that gave its name to the most famous color in the world. But is that all it's good for? Not by a long shot.

Bambara Groundnut

Also known as the Congo goober, this extremely hardy plant is a lifesaver in agriculturally marginal areas. It is also characterized by "geocarpy." Bet you're dying to know what THAT is.


Tall and buttressed like a cathedral, home to a demon. You'd never guess this legendary tree's soft and fluffy (not-so-secret) nature.

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